Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Some of our good friends just had another baby so we got to watch there little girl Maggy a little bit. Jayden had so much fun. So ok let me explain the hat... Lacey likes Maggy to wear a hat a sunscreen because she is faired skinned and burns easy but when John dropped her off he forgot to leave the diaper bag so I was looking around the house for a hat and at the time sadly this is all I could find. Lacey thought it was hillarious. good times.

Time for a drink

Now this is disturbing, not even going to think about pool water.

Facebook | Tiffany Marshall's Photos - Chico Hot Springs - August 2009

We got to take a fun girls trip to Chico but of course right after we got there my camera battery went dead, so these are the fun pics Tiffany took.

Facebook Tiffany Marshall's Photos - Chico Hot Springs - August 2009
The girls love playing ring around the rosie. I just so happened to catch them and daddy playin in the back yard. So cute what a good daddy!

You will notice the second time it's no boys allowed. haha

We took a trip to the zoo where most of the animals seemed to be in hibernation but we had lots of fun anyway

One of the few actual animals that we saw there.

I love these pictures can't wait to get some in black and white.

Jayden kept calling this an affigator. haha so cute

Jayden has become quite the little coffee lover oh dear. Don't worry, she doesn't get much.
