It could be worseSometimes I can get so caught up in life that I forget what truly matters. It is so easy to become jealous of people and there possessions, jobs, houses, lives. To lose sight of all I have been given and instead focus on what I don't have. The funny thing is all the don't haves are usually don't needs as well. When I truly realize all that God has given me I am filled with an over all contentment the only problem is it seems to be temporary.
I think we all have the desire for things and for recognition, we want to know that the things we do are appreciated and noticed. When I try to think of things I have done without having any sort of motive or desire for attention I seem to come up empty. No matter what the task may be helping someone carry groceries, giving someone money, or even just giving of my time for something I may not enjoy, I always want to be noticed and praised for the things I do.
After much thought I truly believe that is how we are created. At one time or another we all were under Satan's rule whether unintentional or not. However when we came to Christ we were made new and clean. Though are hearts are now pure we still have our sinful nature surrounding it. Romans 3:10-18 says "There is no one righteous, not even one; there is no one who understands, no one who seeks God.All have turned away, they have together become worthless; there is no one who does good, not even one." but Romans 7:15 says " I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do , but what I hate I do." I won't write the whole passage but if you get time it is great to read. The purpose in this is that our delight is in honoring God, however Satan hates this and is making every effort to frustrate us, tell us we need and deserve things we don't. What we do deserve is to be thrown into hell, but through Gods grace we have been given a new life. When I stop to remember this I know that all the possessions and attention I get are worthless. The only person I truly need loves me no matter what I have or what I do. It is good for me to frequently reflect on this and check my heart and motives. I hope that in me sharing this it will also be
helpful for you.