Thursday, March 8, 2007


It seems like there comes that time when all the babies start coming out of the woodwork! Tons of our friends are getting pregnant and I am needing gift ideas, so I thought it would be fun to see what your favorite gifts were for all of you Moms out there. I would love to hear your ideas!


Anonymous said...

We already have two kids so we love practical things like diapers, baby wipes, and things like that.

Anonymous said...

Some of my friends all went together and got me a bouncer and high chair and that was so great for us. The big things are the expensive things so if you could get some people together with you I'm sure your friends would love it too.

Rebecca said...

What is your budget? Cheap: make some homemade burp rags by sewing really cute cloth on one side a regular cloth diaper. Pricier: An Ergo Baby Carrier (see my blog under the label named Recommendations). In between: Your favorite children's book with a nice note written in the front.

Anonymous said...

I of course don't have kids but I have heard other Moms say how much they love those Ergo Baby Carriers that a lilly of the valley was talking about. If the Mom your bying stuff for already has a lot of stuff it might be nice to get them a gift card for dinner somewhere and offer to babysit.